Tiny Ninja Theater presents ELECTION 2000 debuted on November 9 at the Great Small Works Toy Theater Festival, two days after the national elections.

Having stayed up until 4am on November 8th watching Florida flip-flop like a beach sandal, Weinstein and the ninjas knew they had their work cut out for them. After consulting with Great Small Works, plans for a revival of A Brief History of DUMBO we scrapped, but too late for the printed schedule and the press.

The show begins with director Weinstein sneaking across the stage with a suitcase purporting to contain uncounted Florida ballots. From this suitcase, and another beside it, emerged not only the ballots but a host of other characters including Hillary Clinton (Princess Leia) Rudy Giuliani (Dr. Doom) and a dramatic re-creation of the death of the posthumously elected Senator from Missouri, Mel Carnahan, performed by a smiley 4-inch-high bright-pink-foam computer company mascot and a posterboard cutout of an out-of-control airplane. The pink guy, incidentally, had been provided by a fan of Tiny Ninja Theater presents MACBETH, who thought it might be useful in a future production. And so it was. He, and several of his identical twin brothers, make an appearance in A Brief History of DUMBO, portraying the artists who begin to replace heavy industry on the Brooklyn waterfront.

The show played its first performance the day after the election should have ended. The show closed almost a month before the election actually did end. As it was a play of the moment, it is unlikely to be revived.

Until, of course, 2004.

Sen. Hillary Clinton

"This is Ninja reporting from the White House lawn..."

Hail to the chief.

Mayor Rudy Giuliani

11/2-11/19/00 @ Great Small Works Fifth Annual Toy Theater Festival

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co-produced by 4Panel Productions | site design & hosting by Fictional Company